Tuesday 14 July 2009

Week 1 cont... Feed Reader and Delicious

FEED READERS - Feed Readers such as Google Reader are resources that can be used to keep track of websites, subscriptions and posts of interest to the reader.

Pros - Students can receive up-to-date information on the blogs of peers as they work through activities in groups. If working independently, students can review the work of peers or experts in the field to reflect on their own thoughts and use others insights accordingly. Feed readers make communication of ideas and the ability to work upon the ideas of others quick and timely.

Cons - When I had Reader, Delicious, Blackboard, Google documents and some websites open that the computer was overloaded and crashed. I like working with multi-pages and like to type fast.

Questions -
How can I allow for fast typing, lots of sites open and not crash the computer?

Delicious is a bookmarking tool that can be accessed from any computer, as the google tools of reader and documents etc.

Access to favourite websites on any computer.
Students can use any computer at home, friends house, parent other than the one they reside with or school to access their continued study materials and resources such as blogs from their peers at a faster rate.
Students can tag bookmarks that can be accessed by peers, teacher and parents and other stakeholders if required for sharing of learning. The old adage of cheating has always been obselete to me (unless of course it is plain copying of intellectual properties). I have always been an advocate of sharing learning and will use this concept in the classroom. Sharing of resources is a real world concept in the global community.

When accessing a website from Delicious, the website is not opened into a new window and that is disappointing. I would prefer to have delicious opened continually...

Google resources and Delicious are tools that allow for quicker access to resources. Student Responsibility for Learning is one of the The Ten Principles of Active Learning and ICTs such as these allow for self-paced learning, scheduling and selection of the best personal time to be involved in activities and making responsible decisions as to timelines involved in ensuring completion of activities and tasks required.

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